Thursday, November 15, 2012

Out With Loria

Jeffrey Loria is a despicable being – everyone who knows him or ever dealt with him already knows that – why is the entire online world treating this reality like breaking news?  Hated men in sports is not a new or unfamiliar phenomenon, Barry Bonds, A-rod, Lebron and T.O. have all experienced their turn in the bad books as have owners and front office personnel like Art Modell, Steinbrenner and Brian Cashman. However, these men should never be confused for being even close to the type of specimen that Loria is. The list above is far from complete and made up of men who were hated by the rivals they dominated and the fans they abandoned or let down, but every single man on this list made winning a priority. Of course they all wanted their big payday and never apologized for it (nor should they have), but their off field preparations and on field performances were always inspired by what they believed was necessary to win. Loria’s name should much sooner be discussed with Hitler and Madoff then with these great sportsmen.  The only thing surprising to me about the recent expression of rage towards Loria is that people actually seem surprised about how far this parasite would go to completely and shamelessly sodomize a team, a city and a sport that welcomed him and treated him well (as if it were unprecedented).  From the day he first ventured into baseball he has been nothing short of an embarrassment to professional sports and humanity and if the commissioner is not part of the solution then as far as I’m concerned he’s part of the problem. The NFL is the greatest professional sports league in the history of the universe and they would never allow a waste of flesh like Loria to own a team, so why does Major League Baseball with a self-professed reputation of being a gentleman’s league for over a century have had dealings with him on multiple occasions. The very integrity of baseball has been compromised over and over again by this man, but as the proverb goes, “if you lie down with dogs, you’ll wake up with fleas”.  This is an issue that extends far pass a luxury tax, millionaires Vs. billionaires, the institution of the asterisk or the Mitchell Report. MLB has dealt with many major issues over the past two decades but this is more serious than all of them and should probably be addressed at the congressional level, but until then all owners, players, fans and league offices need to take the necessary steps to ensure that this vicious being and his slow-witted whipping boy of a stepson be halted from causing any further embarrassment or destruction to America’s pastime.  


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